Week Nine

Continue to work on your microSound Worlds installation. The project will be due in two weeks. Next week we will learn how to use the Quad Panner in Ableton and begin to construct your piece in quad for the installation space.

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In 2014, Norwegian artist Jana Winderen created a 7-block long, multichannel, immersive sound installation within the Park Avenue Tunnel using sounds recorded from shallow to deep underwater environments in Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Canada, USA, Thailand, and the around the equator in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Jana records sounds made by crustaceans, fish and mammals using sensitive hydrophones. Read more here.

Sound Artist Jana Winderen’s 2014 multi channel installation Dive Into The Park Avenue Tunnel in NYC.

Stephen Vitiello: Listening with Intent
ABC followed Stephen Vitiello across the Kimberley region in Western Australia, documenting the challenges and extraordinary experiences he encountered in his efforts to capture the sounds of the Australian landscape for his sound installation work.

Week Seven/Eight

We will finish critiquing the final sound walks today. Please come to class with the audio ready to go on your portable device. Don’t forget your headphones.

• Begin work on Project 3 – MicroSound Worlds.
• LISTEN to Jana Winderen’s “Out Of Range” album.
• LISTEN to Christina Kubisch’s “Magnetic Flights” album.

Next class we will be making contact microphones. I will supply you with a few piezo discs for making contact mics in class but if you want more you can buy them in bulk here [ LINK ] or on Amazon.

• Check out these Contact Microphone recordings of everyday objects:



Week Five

Continue to work on your Immersive Sound Walks. Please get me the finished mp3 no later than midnight Saturday October 2, 2021. Please encode the .mp3 file at 320kbps.. and please include a final version of your map. You can use Google Drive, WeTransfer, Dropbox or another cloud sharing platform. Then check the class website Sunday evening for a link to download all the walks. Once downloaded, please transfer all of them to a portable mp3 player, phone, etc. If you don’t have something to listen to them on, please let me know ASAP.

Remember to bring your portable music player & headphones to class with the walks pre-loaded loaded. Please arrive promptly at 9am so we can organize and begin the walks. We’ll need most or all of the class to complete & critique them all.

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• Below are two videos highlighting the work of sound installation artist and electronic musician Ryoji Ikeda.

Week Two

• Homework: Begin work on Project 2

A behind the scenes look at how the Soundwalk Collective collaborated with John Perry Barlow and the blog Detour to create their Soundwalk through San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood.

Visit: Soundwalk.org
Visit: The Soundwalk Collective
Visit Janet Cardff’s website [LINK]

Listen: Five examples of site specific soundwalks by: Janek Schaefer, Scanner, John Wynne, Kaffe Matthews, Salome Voegelin and Mike Marshall [DOWNLOAD 121MB zip]

Examples of Musicians using Ambisonic Recording.
Pink Floyd, “The Final Cut” Harvest/E.M.I, (1982).
Roger Waters, “The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking” (1984).
Psychic TV, “Dreams Less Sweet“, Some Bizarre (1983).

Week One

Welcome to Sound Installation Art.
This web site will serve as a point of communication between class meetings. Any information, announcements etc. that are of any importance will be posted here. Bookmark this page or subscribe to the feed but check it frequently. I also plan on adding more links, video, downloads and other things as the semester progresses. All these things will expand on the material covered in class.

If you have anything you feel you would like to add in the way of links and points of interest, let us know and I’ll be sure to get it posted.

Homework for next class.

DIVE (2014) – Jana Winderen, in the Park Avenue Tunnel, commissioned by New York City DOT as part of Summer Streets. Installation Recorded and Composed by Jana Winderen, Spatial Sound by Tony Myatt.

Above is the audio from the Jays sponsored binaural guerrilla sound installation in Stockholm we viewed in class today. Listen with headphones for the binaural holophonic experience.